We’ve included the answers to some common questions here. If you have one that’s not listed, feel free to get in touch

What can it do?

Currently, the system can display real-time departures on any Metro train line in Melbourne, as well as a number of VLine regional services. It uses timetable and real-time tracking data to do this. See for more information on line configuration. We are working on support for more V-Line routes and tram lines (see FAQ on this).

At the time of purchase, you’ll need to choose which line you want to track initially. We’ll provide a set of station labels accordingly which can be applied to the acrylic casing (choose the option at checkout if you want us to do this for you). If at some future time you want to track a different line the stickers can be peeled off and an alternate set purchased from us. Of course, you don’t have to apply the labels at all if you don’t want to!

As well as the LED tracking board, a small screen is provided to display information on departures from a selected stop (or stops). By default, it displays the next 2 departures in each direction from your chosen stop. The stop can be anywhere on the PTV network, it does not have to be on the line or lines being tracked. The features of this screen can be extended.

Where does the data come from?

By default, the trackers use our own API for their data. This is based on data from the official PTV API which provides near real-time tracking information as well as disruptions and planned work. From that, we add some post-processing and filtering to improve performance and make it easier to set-up and run your new tracker.

Please note, the PTV API does NOT include pathing information for all trains on the network, only passenger services. As far as we are aware, there is no public source of data on movements of other trains (e.g. the steel or paper trains which operate over some Metro rail tracks). If you know otherwise, please get in touch!

There are occasional glitches in the data set, which can be seen and experienced on other public-facing apps and services. This can happen if a service is suddenly delayed. Position updates are not instant, so the system will continue to estimate the train’s progress based on the timetable. The next position update will show it to be behind the estimated position, the timings will update, and the position on the tracker will jump backwards. On the server we try to filter these out but it is not always successful. Reality is, unfortunately, not perfect.

The software for each board also supports using the official PTV API, directly, and any future software updates will always retain this option. This can be toggled in the configuration screen. This means that if for any reason we were no longer able to provide support the units would continue to function. Under the terms of the PTV API, you would need to obtain your own key (the configuration screen will ask for it) but these are (as of 2024) freely available to anyone who asks for one. When this option is enabled all of the calculations are managed on the device itself. Due to the constraints of the PTV API, functionality will be slightly affected:

  • Indication of delays/station closures will be less detailed
  • Trains may appear to jump more often (especially during peak periods where transient delays are more likely and multiple express services are operating)
  • Startup times will be longer

In addition it would be necessary to manually find the station and route IDs. Information on how to do this is available in the manual. The PTV API itself is used by a wide range of consumers (including large mapping applications) for a wide range of purposes. If you want to understand more about this, please feel free to get in touch.

How do I update it?

When updates are released, they can be downloaded from our website and then installed on the device using the web interface via a phone or computer. In very rare cases, this can go wrong, and we will step in to help you complete the update via USB instead.

How about the city loop?

Perhaps the City Loop is unique in the world for it’s complexity, (we assume so). For now, at least, it is possible for trains to operate in both directions through the loop. For simplicity, your tracker cannot track trains on the same route in both directions through the loop at the same time (this is a rare running arrangement).

For lines which use the City Loop, you will see trains move clockwise or counter-clockwise according to the time of day.

What if the line arrangement changes?

The existing board design is future-proofed for the Metro tunnel opening. It can display either the Metro tunnel stations OR the City loop, and would also be able to display the rumoured Metro tunnel 2 if it is ever to come to fruition.

It is designed to show one side of any line. If in the future lines are grouped (e.g. East/West) across the city, your tracker would continue work as it does now showing the stations to/from the city centre.

What’s in the box?

Your new tracker comes with a sticker pack, a USB-C power adaptor and cable. We recommend you always use this adaptor and cable as not all chargers are built the same! Unfortunately, there are so many poor quality chargers out there that we can’t provide support for issues with the tracker if you aren’t using the original power supply. If you need to buy a replacement, see here.

How do I set it up?

Easily! When you first power it on, the tracker will create its own Wi-Fi hotspot. Use a phone or laptop to connect to this network and then go to (the http bit is important) http://tracker.local. A page should appear guiding you through the setup process. You’ll need to enter the details for your Wi-Fi network (don’t worry, they don’t get sent to us) and choose your preference for some simple options. You can always change them later.

One important note – if your Wi-Fi network is in a cafe or some other kind of public hotspot and requires entering a password into a browser (rather than into your Wi-Fi settings) then unfortunately your tracker won’t be able to connect to it. Please get in touch if you have any queries about this!